10 Harmful effects of unforgiveness

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I remember about ten years ago I went to a non-Christian relative in my rural home village seeking reconciliation between her and my older brother whom, she said, had wronged her. I started by saying “Mama, if I have ever done anything wrong to you, please forgive me”  She replied: “I have no problem at all with you. Have you ever heard me saying anything bad about you?” Then she angrily concluded: “But I will never forgive your brother”. After that venomous statement I quickly realized that this woman had a rock heart of unforgiveness and I diverted to another topic.

A few minutes later I departed wondering how some people can have such hard hearts.

Several years later I was told that this woman had gone blind. I was not surprised because I very well know the consequences of an unforgiving heart.

Below I list  only eight of these bitter effects if a Christian person refuses to forgive:

  1. Unforgiveness is a sin. It will separate you from God.
  2. The Holy Spirit will depart from you.
  3. Unforgiveness will open doors for other evil spirits to attack you.
  4. Unforgiveness will open doors for sickness to attack you.
  5. Unforgiveness will invite the spirit revenge and murder into your heart.
  6. Unforgiveness will hinder your progress and blessings.
  7. You will live an unhappy life.
  8. If you die without repenting of the sin of unforgiveness, you may end up in Hell.

Repent now of this sin and ask God to forgive you as you start a new life. Replace unforgiveness with love and praying for those you have done you wrong. If you do this, God will bless you abundantly and you will be set free.

After the Lord’s Prayer, pray as indicated below to get rid of the spirit of unforgiveness:

“Father I come to you in Jesus’ Name.

It is written that my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.

My body is not a temple for jealousy or envy.

It is written that whatever we bind on earth shall be bound in Heaven.

I bind you spirits of jealousy and envy and I cast you into the bottomless pit.

Never come back into my body again.

Holy Spirit to come and dwell within my body, spirit, and soul

Thank you Lord. Thank you Jesus. Thank you Holy Spirit”

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Suivre Makko Musagara:

God gave Brother Makko Musagara a special message to protect all believers from temptations and trials. Read this message from thiswebsite.

5 Responses

  1. Frank

    If I have unforgiveness can it make someone else sick or the one with the unforgiving heart

    • Makko Musagara

      Hi, an unforgiving heart is like a sick heart. You can spread this sickness to other people, especially the young persons under your authority. They can learn from you and grow unforgiving hearts.


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